brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: Hokitika, West Coast of South Island
brien h: NZ: Hokitika, West Coast of South Island
brien h: NZ: Hokitika, West Coast of South Island
brien h: NZ: Hokitika, West Coast of South Island
brien h: NZ: Hokitika, West Coast of South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: South Island
brien h: NZ: Temuka, Small town south of Christchurch
brien h: NZ: Church in Temuka, Small town south of Christchurch