Bridgetony: Barn, Llanthony village
Bridgetony: Trees and fields, Llanthony
Bridgetony: Horses, Llanthony
Bridgetony: Llanthony Priory from the west
Bridgetony: Black Mountains landscape
Bridgetony: Black Mountains landscape
Bridgetony: Bluebells, Llanthony Wood
Bridgetony: Bluebells, Llanthony Wood
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas footpath
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas farmland
Bridgetony: Horses, Vale of Ewyas
Bridgetony: Fallen tree, Vale of Ewyas
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas
Bridgetony: Cwmyoy village
Bridgetony: St. Martin's Church, Cwmyoy
Bridgetony: St. Martin's Church, Cwmyoy
Bridgetony: Black Mountains landscape
Bridgetony: Peeking sheep
Bridgetony: Sheep in the Black Mountains
Bridgetony: Climbing above Blaenyoy farm
Bridgetony: Black Mountains horse
Bridgetony: Black Mountains landscape
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas from Hatterrall Hill
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas from Hatterrall Hill
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas from Hatterrall Hill
Bridgetony: Vale of Ewyas from Hatterrall Hill
Bridgetony: Llanthony Priory
Bridgetony: Llanthony Priory
Bridgetony: Evening light, Llanthony Priory
Bridgetony: Llanthony Priory