Bridgetony: Gettysburg Battlefield
Bridgetony: Gettysburg Battlefield
Bridgetony: General Meade statue
Bridgetony: Park Rangers House
Bridgetony: Leister Farm, Meade;s Headquarters
Bridgetony: Marines memorial photographs
Bridgetony: Gettysburg Address memorial
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: New York Monument
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Gettysburg National Cemetary
Bridgetony: Spanglers Spring memorials
Bridgetony: Spanglers Spring memorials
Bridgetony: Cilp's Hill View
Bridgetony: State of Pennsylvania Monument
Bridgetony: State of Pennsylvania Monument
Bridgetony: First Minnesota Monument
Bridgetony: First Minnesota Monument
Bridgetony: First Minnesota Monument
Bridgetony: Shelter tents
Bridgetony: Northern Virginia Artillery line
Bridgetony: Confederate artillery positions
Bridgetony: Confederate artillery positions
Bridgetony: Confederate artillery positions