Brick_Man_Photos: wheelchair loveage colour
Brick_Man_Photos: wheelchair gets attention
Brick_Man_Photos: t3h ward, looking down
Brick_Man_Photos: hall side on mono
Brick_Man_Photos: hall sideon mono COPPER
Brick_Man_Photos: hall from side cropped
Brick_Man_Photos: group on the day in the ward
Brick_Man_Photos: group shot masked
Brick_Man_Photos: Burn't out damage
Brick_Man_Photos: Nurses table on ward
Brick_Man_Photos: Medical bench
Brick_Man_Photos: Wash room
Brick_Man_Photos: Staff room?
Brick_Man_Photos: Admin pidgoen **** hole
Brick_Man_Photos: Fire Hose nr Admin
Brick_Man_Photos: Tab break
Brick_Man_Photos: Favourite phone shot
Brick_Man_Photos: Patients library
Brick_Man_Photos: Dentists chair
Brick_Man_Photos: Chapel Group shot
Brick_Man_Photos: Dirty self portrait
Brick_Man_Photos: Spiral Fire escapes