bric: abandoned steps, Crystal Palace
bric: Upper Terrace, Crystal Palace
bric: aquarium ruins, Crystal Palace
bric: headless Averroës
bric: Crystal Palace Park early morning
bric: From Upper Terrace, Crystal Palace
bric: Sphynx' view of Kent
bric: panorama
bric: Crystal Palace Terrace, with rainbow
bric: morning trees
bric: accidental selfie (new phone)
bric: abandoned steps
bric: meanwhile . . .
bric: morning trees
bric: morning tree
bric: morning tree
bric: Cintra Gates
bric: abandoned steps
bric: C P terraces
bric: notice to fell
bric: condemned horse chestnut
bric: morning sun
bric: Two sphinxes
bric: C P Sphinxes
bric: waiting dog
bric: Fallen masonry
bric: Paxton and sky
bric: Abandoned turnstile
bric: Abandoned steps
bric: 20.10.16