Bribo: Pinr Cobble
Bribo: Pine Cobble
Bribo: Cairns
Bribo: Bill and the cairns
Bribo: Crossroads
Bribo: Bill and the boulder
Bribo: Signing the register
Bribo: Signing the register
Bribo: Start of the LT on the Vermont/Mass border
Bribo: Shelter this-a-way
Bribo: Seth Warner shelter
Bribo: Sturdy steel bear box
Bribo: There's bears in them there hills
Bribo: Reading the shelter log
Bribo: Hot fire from wet wood
Bribo: Hot food in a cold belly
Bribo: My kick ass fire
Bribo: Seth Warner shelter
Bribo: Through the mist
Bribo: Beaver pond
Bribo: Beaver dam
Bribo: Beaver lodge
Bribo: Wet
Bribo: Shelter log
Bribo: Congdon shelter
Bribo: Reading the shelter log
Bribo: Stream next to Congdon shelter
Bribo: Congdon shelter
Bribo: Congdon shelter
Bribo: Bill about to depart Congdon