Brian Yohn: SQWAAAAAK!
Brian Yohn: yes, the pterodactyl in front...
Brian Yohn: flap those wings
Brian Yohn: flap flap
Brian Yohn: Katie!
Brian Yohn: FLY!!!!!
Brian Yohn: there's a pterodactyl on your back!
Brian Yohn: behind the curtain
Brian Yohn: found that pterodactyl
Brian Yohn: swaaaaaaaaawk!
Brian Yohn: Benji the Pterodactyl
Brian Yohn: woah!
Brian Yohn: Rhinofly and Benjifly
Brian Yohn: does his breath smell yucky?
Brian Yohn: crazy green guys
Brian Yohn: crazy green guys
Brian Yohn: Frankenchicken
Brian Yohn: pterodactyl