Brian Yohn: juiced
Brian Yohn: reaching
Brian Yohn: I'm looking for a pumpkin
Brian Yohn: pumpkin gourd
Brian Yohn: ghostie pumpkin
Brian Yohn: I can has gourd?
Brian Yohn: woah!
Brian Yohn: too small
Brian Yohn: is this one ready yet?
Brian Yohn: hmmmm
Brian Yohn: this one looks good
Brian Yohn: spider
Brian Yohn: Andrew
Brian Yohn: spider
Brian Yohn: spider
Brian Yohn: what cha got there, Ma?
Brian Yohn: pumpkin shopping
Brian Yohn: Holly and Rachel picking out some good ones
Brian Yohn: har har
Brian Yohn: and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, too!
Brian Yohn: green pumpkins
Brian Yohn: praise the great pumpkin
Brian Yohn: ready to do some chunkin
Brian Yohn: first pumpkin chunkin
Brian Yohn: more?
Brian Yohn: woah!
Brian Yohn: I do it
Brian Yohn: pullllll
Brian Yohn: launch!