bxlewi1: Home office
bxlewi1: undefined
bxlewi1: The comfort dog
bxlewi1: Shoes have been hijacked.
bxlewi1: Moar wine!
bxlewi1: Too much technology for this early in the morning.
bxlewi1: undefined
bxlewi1: Starting off with the Ted.
bxlewi1: It begins.
bxlewi1: The stuff birthdays are made of.
bxlewi1: I appreciate them using the extra space but really you can stop after ribs.
bxlewi1: Achievement unlocked.
bxlewi1: Sugar. Consumed.
bxlewi1: And now, we wait. With any luck this house will keep her busy.
bxlewi1: Impromptu water sculpture.
bxlewi1: And now.
bxlewi1: I have been informed I cannot touch the margarita or she will cut me.
bxlewi1: That's better.
bxlewi1: I hunger.
bxlewi1: Somewhat grumpy.
bxlewi1: Details in the craft.
bxlewi1: Awaiting the ribs.
bxlewi1: Not going to smile.
bxlewi1: An Ewok is guarding the house from the evil UPS truck.
bxlewi1: To the crazy ones.
bxlewi1: It's fall. I love fall but hate these leaves.
bxlewi1: New and improved.
bxlewi1: Planting the seed.
bxlewi1: Too many buttons.
bxlewi1: This iPhone thing? Defiantly a fad. Never going to catch on.