Zippo S: Sailboats racing in the harbour
Zippo S: Nice view from the boat
Zippo S: Matthew loved the boat
Zippo S: Cap'n says it's all clear. Ship out!
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: The Narrows
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: Downtown
Zippo S: I'm saaailiiiing aawaaaaayyy
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: Over there!
Zippo S: Downtown S'n John's
Zippo S: All the fishing boats
Zippo S: Fishing boats
Zippo S: The Battery
Zippo S: Fishing boats... Ray's is here... somewhere
Zippo S: The Battery
Zippo S: Ahoy!
Zippo S: The Narrows
Zippo S: The Narrows
Zippo S: The lighthouse at the Narrows
Zippo S: Cabot Tower on Signal Hill
Zippo S: The Narrows
Zippo S: The view from the back
Zippo S: Puffins! :D
Zippo S: Cape Spear
Zippo S: Cape Spear
Zippo S: Cape Spear