brianredbeard: can't decide which rape kit to use in your shoot? don't!
brianredbeard: "showroom floor" displaying what you could do with their products
brianredbeard: hold it
brianredbeard: this was the first thing that caught my eye, photo wise
brianredbeard: shitshow
brianredbeard: apparently the production designer just liked this whole look
brianredbeard: bucket of babies
brianredbeard: how many close ups of "estrogen" really happen?
brianredbeard: i'm not sure i want to know what those are for
brianredbeard: lightly used
brianredbeard: take her home to mom
brianredbeard: take her home to mom (ii)
brianredbeard: pick your poison
brianredbeard: random signs
brianredbeard: babybox
brianredbeard: one of these things just doesn't belong
brianredbeard: looking for the perfect x-ray illuminator?
brianredbeard: "consumables"
brianredbeard: need your septum punched?
brianredbeard: heavy metal
brianredbeard: rib & sternal retractors
brianredbeard: speculi