BrianR: Ruby at the Sept. 24 March
BrianR: Marchers in the distance
BrianR: Flower and Cross
BrianR: Flower, Cross, and Washington Monument
BrianR: Feild of Dreams No More
BrianR: Cackalack Thunder Drum Corps
BrianR: Cackalack Thunder Drum Corps
BrianR: Airborne says, "Fuck Empire"
BrianR: Crowd
BrianR: Friendz
BrianR: "Worst President Ever!"
BrianR: Flower and Cross 2
BrianR: Cackalack Thunder Drum Corps
BrianR: IMG_0301.JPG
BrianR: All of their Pictures
BrianR: A US marine says, "End the War!"
BrianR: Perry, Ruby, and Brian