Brian Legate: B&W challenge- Day 1
Brian Legate: B&W Day 2
Brian Legate: Umbrella Power
Brian Legate: Food Carts in Portland
Brian Legate: The Best in Town
Brian Legate: Motorcycle
Brian Legate: Staring
Brian Legate: From high above
Brian Legate: Fountains
Brian Legate: Conversing
Brian Legate: Singing Santa
Brian Legate: Passerby
Brian Legate: The trains a coming
Brian Legate: Saturday Market II
Brian Legate: Saturday Market
Brian Legate: Train Tracks
Brian Legate: Yellow Bus
Brian Legate: Serious popcorn making
Brian Legate: Fountain
Brian Legate: "Pizza, Gyros or Indian?"
Brian Legate: Shooting from the hip
Brian Legate: Portland Saturday Market
Brian Legate: the point
Brian Legate: Snow Fall
Brian Legate: Last Snowflake
Brian Legate: The last Leaf
Brian Legate: The Pier
Brian Legate: Downpour