BrianMorley: Vibrant Bouquet of Spring Colors
BrianMorley: Valentine's Day Lilies
BrianMorley: Wildflowers, Antelope Valley
BrianMorley: Cactus on Anasazi Tribal Site, Grand Canyon
BrianMorley: Lystra, Turkey, Where Apostle Paul was Stoned
BrianMorley: Beauty in War Torn Jericho, Israel
BrianMorley: Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu ("Cock's Crow")--Jerusalem
BrianMorley: Ridge Over Which the Scapegoat was Sent (Leviticus 16)--Jerusalem
BrianMorley: Full Bloom on Seacliff; Pacific Grove, California
BrianMorley: High Desert Bloom, California
BrianMorley: Riding Through Endless Poppies; Antelope Valley, California
BrianMorley: Sea of Poppies; Antelop Valley, California
BrianMorley: FJ Cruiser Off Road in Endless Wildflowers
BrianMorley: California Poppies, Gorman, California
BrianMorley: Wildflower Display, Gorman California
BrianMorley: Wildflowers; Gorman, Califorinia
BrianMorley: Lupines Against Poppies, Antelope Valley, CA
BrianMorley: Vibrant Spring Colors
BrianMorley: Spring in Gorman, California
BrianMorley: Blossoms in the ancient town of Joppa, Israel.
BrianMorley: Flowers at Kursi, Site of Grasene Demoniac, Mark 5:1-20
BrianMorley: Fall Colored Flowers
BrianMorley: Vibrant, Warm Color
BrianMorley: Blossoms in Gethsemane
BrianMorley: From Valentine's Bouquet
BrianMorley: Rose from Valentine's Bouquet
BrianMorley: Orchid: a species of endless variety
BrianMorley: Winter Gives Way to Spring: Gorman, CA