BrianMorley: Buchenwald Fence and Guard Tower
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Camp Headquarters
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Guard Tower--clock showing time of liberation. #1001
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Concentration Camp Gate, #1007
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Concentration Camp Zoo, for SS soldiers. #1055
BrianMorley: Buchenwald-Gas Cannisters--Crematorium Building
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Gas Canisters--Crematorium Building
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Crematorium
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Crematorium Yard and place of executions
BrianMorley: Photo by Jule Rouard, Volunteer in 1st US Army Division; crematorium yard at Buchenwald, at liberation of camp.
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Oven after Camp's Liberation--US Soldier Peers In. Photo by Jule Rouard, made available by (son-in-law) Luc Viaour
BrianMorley: Buchenwald, Grave of Ashes, where crematorium ash was dumped
BrianMorley: End of the Line: Tracks Dead End at Buchenwald
BrianMorley: Buchenwald--pair of ovens.
BrianMorley: Buchenwald-ovens in crematorium
BrianMorley: Buchenwald Concentration Camp-back of ovens in crematorium 1118
BrianMorley: Buchenwald--elevator in crematorium for corpses
BrianMorley: Buchenwald--cart pulled by people for work and punishment