brina_head: Little red lady dishes~!
brina_head: Can you believe this light fixture is made out of Styrofoam cups??
brina_head: amazing bedding.
brina_head: they had them in yellow too :)
brina_head: intricate puzzle pieces...
brina_head: view from the inside...
brina_head: close up of paper installation
brina_head: lovely portraits & an owl too...HOOT!
brina_head: snow owl cups- so darling~!
brina_head: lovely ensembles..
brina_head: rows of amazing necklaces
brina_head: Stuffies!
brina_head: Fashion show! Trying on clothes
brina_head: Dammit Jos! Will you just become a model already? ;)
brina_head: Snug as a bug in the $99 coat!
brina_head: glittering bracelets...
brina_head: peacock plates!
brina_head: luxurious bedding...
brina_head: cheese :)
brina_head: peek-a-boo.
brina_head: reading...
brina_head: heidi taking some pics of her own.
brina_head: fancy plates...
brina_head: animal--shaped candles