brina_head: HOLY CRAP!!!!
brina_head: green elephant mania!!
brina_head: notebooks, paper & cards. oh my!!
brina_head: little critters of joy!
brina_head: oragami- kawaii!!
brina_head: magical odds & ends:)
brina_head: movie swap with meg!!!
brina_head: tre bien!!!
brina_head: the gnomes
brina_head: beautiful bags
brina_head: wonderful items
brina_head: lipstick case
brina_head: more book pages!
brina_head: wallpaper & book pages!
brina_head: stickers & postcard fun!
brina_head: halloween goody bag! (recieved)
brina_head: Mr. E swap (recieved) all laid out!
brina_head: original jesus!
brina_head: pinwheel surprise!
brina_head: fluffy snowmen!
brina_head: gingerbread fun!
brina_head: santa bowl!
brina_head: christmas gift from meg! (recieved)
brina_head: private vintage swap w/ girlhula! ~ (recieved)
brina_head: poka dot card & noisemaker!
brina_head: magnets magnets magnets!
brina_head: candy goodness!
brina_head: vintage wrapping paper!
brina_head: chinese origami papers!!
brina_head: noise maker mardi gras!