brianholsclaw: My bike takes a nap after climbing 2/3 of the way up a long fire road to the trailhead.
brianholsclaw: Guylaine chugs on up the hill.
brianholsclaw: Here comes Peggy and Erik up the fire road.
brianholsclaw: Erik and Walk climb up the fire road.
brianholsclaw: My bikes appreciates the view of Mt. Rainier in the distance.
brianholsclaw: A happy camper!
brianholsclaw: Mt. Rainier beyond Kachess Lake.
brianholsclaw: Guylaine notices Mt. Rainier as she heads up the fire road.
brianholsclaw: Mt. Rainier beyond Kachess Lake. Funny to think that we started out this ride down by the lake. That's quite a climb!
brianholsclaw: Nice iPhone panorama view of the fire road, Kachess Lake, and Mt. Rainier beyond.
brianholsclaw: Indian Paintbrush.
brianholsclaw: Peggy enjoys the sublime views.
brianholsclaw: Mt. Rainier beyond Kachess Lake.
brianholsclaw: Walt readies his pack while Guylaine and Peggy rest up before the final push up the hill.
brianholsclaw: At the start of the single track…the trail goes straight down the dirt path ahead.
brianholsclaw: A panorama of Kachess Ridge. We would be descending down the trail and then up and over the Ridge into French Cabin basin.
brianholsclaw: Closer view of Kachess Ridge…somehow we would be climbing up and over that ridge with our bikes!
brianholsclaw: The start of the trail is rocky and very steep.
brianholsclaw: A small patch of snow to negotiate.
brianholsclaw: Mount Stuart.
brianholsclaw: Guylaine looks at Mount Stuart.
brianholsclaw: Nearing the top of Kachess Ridge.
brianholsclaw: Mount Stuart between the trees.
brianholsclaw: Walt climbs up the ridge.
brianholsclaw: Another small snow patch along a very steep section.
brianholsclaw: Guylaine helps bring up the bikes.
brianholsclaw: Peggy and Walt entering a meadow.
brianholsclaw: Guylaine leaves the meadow.
brianholsclaw: Peggy and Erik approaching. I was absolutely attacked my mosquitoes at this point!
brianholsclaw: Peggy enjoying the meadow.