brianholsclaw: Charles making his way up the trail
brianholsclaw: Charles taking a snapshot of the waterfall
brianholsclaw: Pretty views of Olympic foothills
brianholsclaw: Charles keeps heading up
brianholsclaw: Nice views along Marmot Pass trail
brianholsclaw: Charles making his way through a small scree field
brianholsclaw: Charles on the trail
brianholsclaw: Wild flowers!
brianholsclaw: A beautiful photo of the Marmot Pass trail
brianholsclaw: Marmot Pass trail
brianholsclaw: Charles along the Marmot Pass trail
brianholsclaw: Charles taking a breather at a great photo opp
brianholsclaw: Yes, I hate being in photos, even in such beautiful places
brianholsclaw: A great photo of the trail, wildflowers, forest, and mountains
brianholsclaw: Charles making his way across a small stream crossing
brianholsclaw: Charles trying to start a snowball fight
brianholsclaw: Olympic mountain views from Marmot Pass, elev. 6000'
brianholsclaw: Brian at top of Marmot Pass, elev. 6000'
brianholsclaw: Brian at the sign-post of Marmot Pass, elev. 6000'
brianholsclaw: Jubilation after reaching the top of the trail
brianholsclaw: Sigma Pi day at Marmot Pass
brianholsclaw: A nice meadow along the way back down the trail
brianholsclaw: Brian tired and headed down the trail