brian.gratwicke: Jennifer warren tending fruit flies in the swing space.
brian.gratwicke: Inside Pod 6 at the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project in Gamboa
brian.gratwicke: Gamboa facility of the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project
brian.gratwicke: Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project - Gamboa facility
brian.gratwicke: Fruit fly and springtail production at Gamboa ARC
brian.gratwicke: Frog food - Domestic cricket Acheta domesticus
brian.gratwicke: Nair Cabezon and Nancy Fairchild tending the cricket production line pod 5
brian.gratwicke: Cricket breeding setup with soil for egg-laying, high calcium cricket diet and water sponge. Adults are all hiding in the egg crate.
brian.gratwicke: Drosophila hydei larger fruitflies for small frogs
brian.gratwicke: Fruitfly and springtail production to feed the frogs pod 6
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus founding male
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus - male upland color form
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus varius
brian.gratwicke: Panamanian Golden Frog female Atelopus zeteki
brian.gratwicke: Andinobates geminisae
brian.gratwicke: O vicentei
brian.gratwicke: Hylomantis lemur - Lemur leaf frog
brian.gratwicke: Strabomantis bufoniformis
brian.gratwicke: Craugastor evanesco
brian.gratwicke: Triprion spinosus (formerly Anotheca spinosa)
brian.gratwicke: Gastrotheca cornuta - puppy-dog pose
brian.gratwicke: Zophobas morio is a species of darkling beetle, whose larvae are known by the common name superworm or zophobas
brian.gratwicke: Offspring of big native roach - ID needed
brian.gratwicke: Panoramic - Insects Rearing Bldg ARC
brian.gratwicke: 20200225_100347
brian.gratwicke: image007 (3)
brian.gratwicke: image006 (2)
brian.gratwicke: image005 (2)
brian.gratwicke: Crickets Room