brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus juvenile in Amphibian Rescue Pod Gamboa
brian.gratwicke: Post-metamorph Atelopus gylphus - Pirre Harlequin frog
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus juvenile in Amphibian Rescue Pod Gamboa
brian.gratwicke: Baby Atelopus glyphus!
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus zeteki in amplexus at EVACC
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus - male upland color form
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus Another species likely to go extinct due to bd, now in a captive assurance colony under the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project
brian.gratwicke: Panamanian Amphibians in trouble
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus lowland color form, juvenile (first-ever captive-bred)
brian.gratwicke: LaLoma Treefrog Hyloscirtus colymba
brian.gratwicke: Panama's gold
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus tadpole
brian.gratwicke: Toad Mountain Harlequin Frog - Atelopus certus Barbour, 1923 female
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus - Toad Mountain Harlequin Frog
brian.gratwicke: Pretty Golden frog stream - minus golden frogs which are extinct
brian.gratwicke: First ever Atelopus limosus tadpoles bred in captivity.
brian.gratwicke: Jeff Coulter, our volunteer installing tracklighting for frogs in Pod 2 the 'after' picture
brian.gratwicke: Inside an amphibian rescue pod. A real 'Amphibian Ark'
brian.gratwicke: Placing two new amphibian rescue pods at Summit Park, Panama
brian.gratwicke: Lots of Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus babies!
brian.gratwicke: Caroline and Brian on la India Dormida