brian.gratwicke: Setting up probiotics experiment Front Royal
brian.gratwicke: Shawna Cikanek and Matt Becker setting up probiotics experiment at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, VA
brian.gratwicke: Examining mark-recapture data in Roberto's lab
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus in its native habitat
brian.gratwicke: Caroline with Cane toad
brian.gratwicke: Jorge Points out Jaguar pugmarks on the trail
brian.gratwicke: Cane toad Rhinella marinus
brian.gratwicke: Colostethus flotator
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus zeteki in amplexus at EVACC
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus inside rescue pod
brian.gratwicke: Jorge shows an undescribed Craugastor species to Caroline
brian.gratwicke: Cochranella spinosa
brian.gratwicke: Glassfrog eggs
brian.gratwicke: Angie Estrada and Lisa Belden in a rescue pod
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Lots of Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Andy Odum and Robert Hill inside frog pod, Atlanta Botanical Gardens
brian.gratwicke: Shawna checking out the golden frog colony
brian.gratwicke: Steve Monfort inspecting Oophaga pumilio Bocas del Torro
brian.gratwicke: Blue Oophaga pumilio
brian.gratwicke: red Oophaga pumilio on cocoa pod
brian.gratwicke: Panama amphibian rescue and conservation project logo project
brian.gratwicke: Kevin Murphy explains the inner workings of the golden frog exhibit to Roberto Ibanez.
brian.gratwicke: Golden frogs in El Valle Market
brian.gratwicke: Kristine Schad and Jen Mickelberg having a go at frog-keeping EVACC
brian.gratwicke: Fer de Lance on the trail to Big tree, BCI
brian.gratwicke: Lanky with his beautiful daughters
brian.gratwicke: Hemifractus fasciatus
brian.gratwicke: Sabri Ben-Achour getting to know a red-eyed treefrog
brian.gratwicke: Allobates talamancae, Sierra Llorona