brian.gratwicke: Lisa with a Simlisca
brian.gratwicke: Glassfrog eggs
brian.gratwicke: Glassfrog eggs
brian.gratwicke: Angie Estrada and Lisa Belden in a rescue pod
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus tadpole
brian.gratwicke: Lots of Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Ancon Hill during Raptor migration
brian.gratwicke: Lisa Belden in Panama!
brian.gratwicke: Raptor count!
brian.gratwicke: Port at Balboa Pacific side of Canal
brian.gratwicke: Frogs spotted in the wild on my last Panama trip
brian.gratwicke: Lisa Belden with a glassfrog, Plantation rd
brian.gratwicke: Spider in Web - ID needed
brian.gratwicke: Panama cross-banded treefrog (Simlisca sila)
brian.gratwicke: Cochranella spinosa
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus inside rescue pod
brian.gratwicke: Geoffrey's tamarin