brianfabel: Sunset with flowers in the Winds.jpg
brianfabel: Storm on hills at iris.jpg
brianfabel: Lola.jpg
brianfabel: Shayna Chalking and looking happy.jpg
brianfabel: Brian and Shayna Day 1 at Big Sandy Lake in the Wind River Mountians.jpg
brianfabel: Rob Climbing Overhang at Zorro wall of wild iris.jpg
brianfabel: Wild Iris Storm.jpg
brianfabel: Rob Climbing Overhanging wall.jpg
brianfabel: Lizard Head Peak.jpg
brianfabel: Flower at iris.jpg
brianfabel: Shayna Belaying michael.jpg
brianfabel: Purple Flower.jpg
brianfabel: Michael clipping.jpg
brianfabel: Berry.jpg
brianfabel: Earth and Flowers.jpg
brianfabel: Not enjoying wasabee peas.jpg
brianfabel: Brian and Michael at anchors.jpg
brianfabel: Wildlife.jpg
brianfabel: Shayna on Sholder.jpg