Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Ridge - Perseid Meteors Aug11-13
Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Ridge - Perseid Meteors Aug12-13
Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Ridge
Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Hill
Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Hill - Perseid Meteors Aug11-12
Brian Devonshire:
Windy Point - Hill - Perseid Meteors Aug11-13
Brian Devonshire:
Brian Devonshire:
Orion and Jupiter - Top of Windy Point
Brian Devonshire:
Brian Devonshire:
Top of Windy Point
Brian Devonshire:
Orion and Jupiter
Brian Devonshire:
Valley below Windy Point
Brian Devonshire:
Milky Way