gibsona9: View from high walkway
gibsona9: View from hotel window
gibsona9: View from hotel window, at night
gibsona9: View from elevated walkway
gibsona9: View from hotel window
gibsona9: View from hotel window
gibsona9: Shopping area
gibsona9: Japanese ELP 45 rpm single
gibsona9: Tiny hotel bathroom
gibsona9: View of Ashikaga from bridge
gibsona9: View of Ashikaga from bridge
gibsona9: Beatles butcher cover LP
gibsona9: Carvings at Ashikaga temple
gibsona9: Statue (nice hat!!!)
gibsona9: Japanese bas-relief
gibsona9: Gong at Ashikaga temple
gibsona9: Ashikaga temple
gibsona9: Huge koi in moat
gibsona9: Ashikaga temple
gibsona9: Old Ashikaga section
gibsona9: Statue
gibsona9: Cool tree
gibsona9: Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Tori (gate) at Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Entry gate of Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Interior of Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Fancy door at Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Statues in Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Ashikaga Gakko
gibsona9: Huge roof timbers at Ashikaga Gakko