Yanni.Knotski: You've heard of Mtn. Goats and Mtn. Sheep. These are Mtn. Cows
Yanni.Knotski: On the way
Yanni.Knotski: The Ranch Road. Pix from the Ranch Road. Lots of Elk!!
Yanni.Knotski: A7R08074-Edit
Yanni.Knotski: East (closer)
Yanni.Knotski: Elk, Elk and more Elk
Yanni.Knotski: One group of Elk
Yanni.Knotski: Another group of Elk
Yanni.Knotski: East over Elk
Yanni.Knotski: North-NW
Yanni.Knotski: Off to the Water Slide
Yanni.Knotski: Ya Ha Tinda Map-Trails Hiked - Today is the BLUE route. Turned out to be about twice as long as intended
Yanni.Knotski: Bighorn Campground closed for construction with view to the NW
Yanni.Knotski: From the old Ranch rodd
Yanni.Knotski: Scalp Creek at about the ranch buildings
Yanni.Knotski: Above the water slide. Yup, I missed it but sure wasn't going to crawl back into the valley to find it. Next trip!
Yanni.Knotski: The Scale Creek valley. Water slide on the creek about the center of this picture
Yanni.Knotski: Looking back along the trail (2+ km)
Yanni.Knotski: Panorama from the top of the trail
Yanni.Knotski: The long road home with Arya. We were both pooped by the end of this hike!
Yanni.Knotski: Another pano from the trail. An excuse to stop for a rest...
Yanni.Knotski: Almost back to the parking lot