brianv_vancouver: Sugar Maple "B" Loop
brianv_vancouver: Rose Hips "A" Loop
brianv_vancouver: Lichen in Oak Grove
brianv_vancouver: Gall on Oak Leaf
brianv_vancouver: Sunset at Champoeg Oct 5
brianv_vancouver: Bridge over Champoeg Creek and ash tree at the campsite entrance
brianv_vancouver: Birds at feeder by the campsite entrance
brianv_vancouver: Great blue heron
brianv_vancouver: Apples await picking on the road to Butteville
brianv_vancouver: Wonderful colour!
brianv_vancouver: Hazelnuts
brianv_vancouver: The Butteville Store
brianv_vancouver: This produce market is just outside the park entrance
brianv_vancouver: Willamette River at Champoeg
brianv_vancouver: The path through the woods
brianv_vancouver: Yellow flowers in the field
brianv_vancouver: Common Mullein (detail)
brianv_vancouver: Elderberries near Butteville
brianv_vancouver: Litter mates