Brian Reynolds:
Louisville skyline
Brian Reynolds:
Parachutes away!
Brian Reynolds:
Floating down to the river below
Brian Reynolds:
Brian Reynolds:
The C-130 comes barrelling in
Brian Reynolds:
Lima Lima team in Formation
Brian Reynolds:
Lima Lima team cruising past
Brian Reynolds:
Lima Lima team arcing around
Brian Reynolds:
Lima Lima team perform the _Missing Man_ formation
Brian Reynolds:
Lima Lima team circling about
Brian Reynolds:
Aero L-39 Albatros performing a barrel roll
Brian Reynolds:
The Red Bull aerobatic helicopter flips inverted
Brian Reynolds:
The Red Bull aerobatic helicopter is getting charged on caffeine
Brian Reynolds:
The Red Bull aerobatic helicopter does a backflip
Brian Reynolds:
The Red Bull aerobatic helicopter pulls out from a loop
Brian Reynolds:
The Red Bull aerobatic helicopter flits across the skyline
Brian Reynolds:
F-15's fly by in formation
Brian Reynolds:
F-15 rips past
Brian Reynolds:
747 flying by at cruising altitude
Brian Reynolds:
F-16 Silhouette
Brian Reynolds:
F-16 close up bank overhead 1
Brian Reynolds:
F-16 close up bank overhead
Brian Reynolds:
F-18 overhead banking
Brian Reynolds:
F-18 close flyby
Brian Reynolds:
The C-130 shows off its manuverability
Brian Reynolds:
B-52 flyby
Brian Reynolds:
A Pair of B-1 bombers
Brian Reynolds:
A Pair of B-1 bombers
Brian Reynolds:
B-1 flyby
Brian Reynolds:
B-1 flyby