brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (2)
brian395: Sunday footie IJLB
brian395: Ranger Milloy Beau Jest and Nick Gravett
brian395: Listen Carefully I will tell you only once
brian395: 2 Pl - go camping - Waterloo Coy 1982
brian395: Ranger watches as our company demolishes the opposition
brian395: 1 and 2 platoon camping snaps
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982
brian395: Training in Hexham
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (6)
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (5)
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (7)
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (3)
brian395: IJLB Battlecamp 1982 (4)
brian395: Map reading lessons - Waterloo Company 1982
brian395: Waterloo Company IJLB
brian395: Waterloo Coy IJLB 82-83 Jnr Army Champions
brian395: Waterloo Company IJLB 2 Platoon 1982-83
brian395: IJLB - Shorncliffe Sgts Mess 1983
brian395: Maj Gens 1982 - Shorncliffe Waterloo Company IJLB
brian395: Sergeants Mess Shorncliffe IJLB 1982
brian395: Waterloo Coy 82 Champs
brian395: Sunday footie IJLB in 1982
brian395: IJLB - Oswestry
brian395: IJLB Oswestry
brian395: IJLB - WO1 (RSM) W Matthews - Honour Shield winners spring 1974
brian395: IJLB - WO1 (RSM) W Matthews - Honour Shield winners spring 1974
brian395: The Guards Coy Honour Shield Winners 1973-74
brian395: The Guards Coy 1973-74 IJLB Oswestry
brian395: 1973 Irish Guards Association dinner (Manchester)