brf: Mill Road has never been so busy!
brf: More Police!
brf: In the spirit....
brf: Waiting...
brf: More Police motor bikes....
brf: Friendly Poice
brf: Friendly Poice
brf: Friendly Poice
brf: Here they come!
brf: Waiting for a light....
brf: DSC_3283
brf: Police escort
brf: 114 comes up Mill Road Bridge
brf: 114 comes up Mill Road Bridge
brf: I've made it!
brf: Wow dude, we're so hip and cool..
brf: Hand over
brf: Hand over
brf: 115 is alive!
brf: 115 is alive!
brf: No 115 is off...
brf: and they're off again...
brf: Very friendly Police
brf: Army support
brf: Off they go
brf: Off they go
brf: Mill road completely packed