dr brewbottle: Antarctica Wildlife: Adelie Penguin
dr brewbottle: Argentinian Raptors: Cinereous Harrier
dr brewbottle: Bolivia Wildlife: Flamingoes take-off
dr brewbottle: Bolivia Wildlife: Flamingo
dr brewbottle: Flamingo in flight Bolivia
dr brewbottle: Fighting Coots (5 of 5)
dr brewbottle: Fighting Coots (4 of 5)
dr brewbottle: Fighting Coots (3 of 5)
dr brewbottle: Fighting Coots: Blood Drawn (2 of 5)
dr brewbottle: Fighting Coots: Kick-boxing (1 of 5)
dr brewbottle: Great Crested Grebes Displaying (1 of 3)
dr brewbottle: Great crested grebes displaying (2 of 3)
dr brewbottle: Pelicans in formation Lake Naivasha Kenya
dr brewbottle: Five Formation Flying Flamingos Kenya
dr brewbottle: Flying Flamingo Naivasha Kenya
dr brewbottle: Flamingo Take Off Naivasha Kenya
dr brewbottle: Lioness unhappy with her mate
dr brewbottle: Cheetah Tree Climbing
dr brewbottle: Glossy Ibis III
dr brewbottle: Glossy Ibis II
dr brewbottle: Little Gull (Chew Valley Lake)
dr brewbottle: Little Egret (Take off)
dr brewbottle: Canada Geese
dr brewbottle: Greylag Geese in flight
dr brewbottle: Curlew in flight and calling
dr brewbottle: Eider Duck pair
dr brewbottle: Red Squirrel enjoying a pine cone
dr brewbottle: Redshank calling
dr brewbottle: Curlew in flight
dr brewbottle: Redshank Close up