brewbooks: Rhododendron macrophyllum
brewbooks: Need to ID
brewbooks: Rhododendron macrophyllum
brewbooks: Bunchberry
brewbooks: Rattlesnake Plantain
brewbooks: Rattlesnake Plantain
brewbooks: Hookedspur violet (Viola adunca)
brewbooks: Pillow basalt ?
brewbooks: Western Columbine
brewbooks: Jerry and I on ascending Mount Townsend
brewbooks: Trees grow slowly up here
brewbooks: Douglasia laevigata
brewbooks: Lomatium martindalei (coast range lomatium)
brewbooks: Ascending Mount Townsend
brewbooks: Ascending Mount Townsend
brewbooks: Arriving at Mount Townsend
brewbooks: At the saddle of Mount Townsend
brewbooks: Winged ants
brewbooks: Glacier Lily
brewbooks: Douglasia laevigata
brewbooks: View ascending Mount Townsend
brewbooks: At the saddle of Mount Townsend
brewbooks: Silky Phacelia (Phacelia sericea)
brewbooks: Smelowskia americana
brewbooks: Potentilla villosa
brewbooks: Dwarf lupine
brewbooks: Chocolate lily