Brett Whaley:
Blood Milkwort (Polygala sanguinea)
Brett Whaley:
Blood Milkwort (Polygala sanguinea)
Brett Whaley:
White Rattlesnake-root (Prenanthes alba)
Brett Whaley:
Rough Blazing Star (Liatris aspera)
Brett Whaley:
Leather Leaf (Chammaedaphne calyculata)
Brett Whaley:
One of the reasons this and other plants are still growing here...
Brett Whaley:
Underappreciated how rare this kind of landscape is...
Brett Whaley:
Northern Bog Clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata)
Brett Whaley:
Few-leaf Sunflowers (Helianthus occidentalis)
Brett Whaley:
Yellow-twisted Grass (Xyris torta)
Brett Whaley:
A Lot of Schoenoplectiella purshiana
Brett Whaley:
Coast Jointweed (Polygonella articulata)
Brett Whaley:
Blood Miklwort
Brett Whaley:
Bartonia virginica
Brett Whaley:
Rough Blazing Star (Liatris aspera)
Brett Whaley:
Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora)
Brett Whaley:
Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
Brett Whaley:
Fern (Sceptridium dissectum)
Brett Whaley:
White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima)
Brett Whaley:
Walking Fern Frond
Brett Whaley:
Walking Fern Sori
Brett Whaley:
Walking Fern Habitat
Brett Whaley:
Polypodium virginianum Sori
Brett Whaley:
Common Polypodium (Polypodium virginianum)
Brett Whaley:
Possible Sceptridium oneidense