Brett Virmalo:
Geometric framework relationships (draft)
Brett Virmalo:
Premier rectangles with standard divsions and relationships (draft)
Brett Virmalo:
Albrecht Dürer's blackletter characters
Brett Virmalo:
Lexicon of small number and root rectangle diagonals
Brett Virmalo:
Regular polygons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12
Brett Virmalo:
Proportion Lexicon Spreadsheet (draft)
Brett Virmalo:
Bringhurst’s geometric proportions from The Elements of Typographic Style
Brett Virmalo:
Regular polygon construction with compass and ruler and regular polygon patterns
Brett Virmalo:
Albrecht Dürer's roman characters ABV
Brett Virmalo:
Albrecht Dürer's blackletter characters
Brett Virmalo:
Regular polygons construction and patterns