Brett of Binnshire:
Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire:
Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire:
Ponte Sant'Angelo over the river Tiber
Brett of Binnshire:
St Peter's Square and Basilica
Brett of Binnshire:
Via Dell'Orso and Via de'Gigli D'Oro
Brett of Binnshire:
Via dell'Orso
Brett of Binnshire:
Via del Popolo near the edge of town
Brett of Binnshire:
The Funicular runs within a tunnel as it enters and exits the town
Brett of Binnshire:
Brett of Binnshire:
Tourists visiting a Cathedral
Brett of Binnshire:
Duomo di Siena
Brett of Binnshire:
The dome of the Cathedral
Brett of Binnshire:
The Nave seen from the Crossing of the Duomo
Brett of Binnshire:
The Choir, Apse, etc., of the Duomo
Brett of Binnshire:
Foggy hills in the early morning from the edge of town
Brett of Binnshire:
Early morning fog
Brett of Binnshire:
Outdoor restaurant and lights at Via Quercecchio and Via Costarella
Brett of Binnshire:
San Gimignano towers at night from Via Vecchia
Brett of Binnshire:
Countryside lights at night
Brett of Binnshire:
The Nave, Crossing and Choir of Pisa's Duomo, Santa Maria Assunta
Brett of Binnshire:
The pulpits Pisano
Brett of Binnshire:
Duomo di Pisa, Santa Maria Assunta
Brett of Binnshire:
Street scene just off the Piazza dei Meracoli
Brett of Binnshire:
The sun sets on our visit to Italy