Brett of Binnshire: "Da Vito e Dina" - That is Vito, center in apron
Brett of Binnshire: Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire: Castel Sant'Angelo windows
Brett of Binnshire: Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire: Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire: Via dei Vecchiarelli
Brett of Binnshire: Via dei Coronari hardware shop
Brett of Binnshire: Spanish Steps
Brett of Binnshire: The church of the Santissima Trinità dei Monti at the top of the Spanish Steps
Brett of Binnshire: Trevi Fountain
Brett of Binnshire: Trevi Fountain
Brett of Binnshire: Our excellent "Walks of Italy" guide, Michael, at Trevi Fountain
Brett of Binnshire: Gelateria Della Palma
Brett of Binnshire: Piazza Navona
Brett of Binnshire: Piazza Navona
Brett of Binnshire: Via del Teatro Pace
Brett of Binnshire: Via del Teatro Pace
Brett of Binnshire: Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire: Ponte Sant'Angelo and Castel Sant'Angelo
Brett of Binnshire: Ponte Sant'Angelo over the river Tiber
Brett of Binnshire: St Peter's Square and Basilica
Brett of Binnshire: St Peter's Square and Basilica
Brett of Binnshire: St Peter's Square and Basilica
Brett of Binnshire: Reenactors outside the Coliseum