brettohland: Coffee time with Hario
brettohland: The commute
brettohland: Kicking it old school
brettohland: Almost full
brettohland: Bottomless
brettohland: Coffee nerds represent
brettohland: My first bottle of homebrew blueberry wheat beer
brettohland: Hooray. Flat tire.
brettohland: Finally…
brettohland: Good to know
brettohland: Flight delay…
brettohland: Beefy
brettohland: Pre-Hallowe'en Hedonism
brettohland: Light 'em up.
brettohland: Serious 70's style.
brettohland: Choke
brettohland: There, I fixed it.
brettohland: Fly fishing in the wind
brettohland: The loneliest pay phone on the BC/AB border.
brettohland: Eat dammit! Eat!
brettohland: Denman Island B.C.
brettohland: Sea monkeys, day 2
brettohland: Estate sales make me feel like I'm robbing the dead.
brettohland: Sneak peek
brettohland: Picked a baaaad day to bike
brettohland: His finest hour is my finest hour
brettohland: Cube Down!
brettohland: Childhood semi-defeated.
brettohland: F*ck the police
brettohland: From snow to rain