Brett L.: Lone Palm bartendresses(?) at work
Brett L.: I think the Irish are taught how to smile in school
Brett L.: I think I look too Jocko in this picture
Brett L.: We decided to leave Chad a present and take some quasi-scandalous pictures on his bed
Brett L.: Chad's Bed VII
Brett L.: Jan lorded over my computer and my iTunes shopping cart all evening
Brett L.: I can't for the life of me remember what Jan is doing here
Brett L.: Claire and Louise looking their radiant selves
Brett L.: Jan DJ's, Evan floor-sitting
Brett L.: Another shot of the crew
Brett L.: Jan and Louise tag-teaming my iTunes
Brett L.: Claire is amused by something. Silly American boys, perhaps
Brett L.: Silly American boys, captured on film
Brett L.: I like how Jan and Louise's faces are the edge of the flash shadow