Brett L.: San Francisco, California > San Francisco, Nayarit
Brett L.: Our first meal in Mexico
Brett L.: The view from San Francisco's beach
Brett L.: Rebar left in place
Brett L.: Sleepy dog in San Francisco, Nayarit
Brett L.: Our room at night
Brett L.: Rat-like taxidermy specimen in our room
Brett L.: Sayulita town center
Brett L.: Chad the Marine Biologist checks out the crabs crawling on the rocks
Brett L.: Chad's traverse of doom - 1 of 3
Brett L.: Chad's traverse of doom - 2 of 3
Brett L.: Chad's traverse of doom - 3 of 3
Brett L.: Fisherman on the point
Brett L.: View from the point west of Sayulita
Brett L.: Brett poses too close the water - 1 of 2
Brett L.: Brett poses too close to the water - 2 of 2
Brett L.: Sayulita, just south of the beach
Brett L.: Old bricks eaten away by the sea
Brett L.: Brett on Sayulita's curvy sidewalk street
Brett L.: Looking towards Gringo Hill
Brett L.: Bircklayer builds an arched ceiling in a new house
Brett L.: Chad in front of our building
Brett L.: The view from my seat at dinner
Brett L.: Most romantic setting for a dinner, ever
Brett L.: Kick-ass bathroom at the restaurant
Brett L.: The ocean-side patio where we ate dinner
Brett L.: The view from Rollie's Upstairs
Brett L.: Last firework fades from the sky
Brett L.: Fuzzy shot of a ship
Brett L.: Outside Liz and Jaffe's apartment building