Brett L.: Argh!
Brett L.: Setting up the "cash bonus prizes"
Brett L.: How can we make this rowdier and weirder?
Brett L.: Running uphill and guiding a bike, AND picking up money
Brett L.: Hurdling the barriers
Brett L.: The leaders had no time for the cash-in-a-can
Brett L.: Go, man, go
Brett L.: Reaching for the prize
Brett L.: Missed it
Brett L.: Damn. Almost had it
Brett L.: I don't think he got it
Brett L.: Chris Horner powers past
Brett L.: He got all three!
Brett L.: Great moments in grabbing fistfulls of dollars
Brett L.: More cowbell? Definitely
Brett L.: The "Suck You" crowd
Brett L.: Smilin' and railin'
Brett L.: Post-race refueling at Arizmendi Bakery
Brett L.: Michelle smiles
Brett L.: Group photo