Brett L.: The J
Brett L.: You bet Shiraz...
Brett L.: Cesar Chevaz Street - off-road
Brett L.: The view from the top of the non-stairway at Cesar Chavez and Noe
Brett L.: Dirt driveway in San Francisco
Brett L.: The top of the mini-hill
Brett L.: Hiking along Billy Goat Hill
Brett L.: Approaching the overlook on Billy Goat Hill
Brett L.: Another shot of San Bruno Mountain
Brett L.: Very contorted sedimentary rocks
Brett L.: Closed-off alley
Brett L.: Glen Canyon Park and O'Shaughnessy Blvd
Brett L.: Unique view of Marin and Mt. Tam from Mt. Davidson
Brett L.: Lower slopes of Mt. Davidson
Brett L.: Great staircase
Brett L.: Coming up the stairs
Brett L.: Mt. Davidson Cross unobstructed
Brett L.: Mt. Davidson's shoulder
Brett L.: San Bruno Mountain in the distance
Brett L.: Panorama from Mt. Davidson
Brett L.: Explanation of why the cross does not belong to the city
Brett L.: Intimidating?
Brett L.: Mystery door and part of the cross
Brett L.: Mystery door below the cross on Mt. Davidson
Brett L.: Happy Day Preschool
Brett L.: JT's
Brett L.: Chick-n-Coop
Brett L.: Parkside library
Brett L.: Refueling station
Brett L.: Coolest gas station in San Francisco