Brett L.:
My costume: A "404 Page Not Found" error page
Brett L.:
Kenneth is a ghost
Brett L.:
Home-wrecker and Punk Rawker
Brett L.:
More costume goodness
Brett L.:
Brett L.:
Jackie O
Brett L.:
Jackie O and Slash
Brett L.:
Love the tat
Brett L.:
Rachel from Blade Runner and Norse Shaman
Brett L.:
Of replicants and hunting knives
Brett L.:
Filming something out in front
Brett L.:
Is Prince part of the movie or just spectating?
Brett L.:
I love the eyes above the light in this shot
Brett L.:
Ghost and Not-Tinkerbell
Brett L.:
Mr. T, something, something else, Not-Tinkerbell
Brett L.:
Brett L.:
To the couch!
Brett L.:
Doubling themselves