BrettGV: 2010 10 03_3909-Sign Spinner
BrettGV: 2010 10 03_3992-Sign Spinner
BrettGV: SignSpinner-Red Litho
BrettGV: 2010 10 03_3924 Sign Spinner
BrettGV: Sign Spinner GIF
BrettGV: 2010 10 25_Stone Crop Gardens_5777-1a
BrettGV: PICT0018_Pretty Random
BrettGV: . . .
BrettGV: . . .I'll let him go see what fell. . .
BrettGV: PICT0002_explore
BrettGV: PICT0013_rappel
BrettGV: PICT0020_rappel
BrettGV: . . .what he didn't know is that I was burning a CD, it was almost finished, and the tray was going to open up right behind him. . .
BrettGV: PICT0033_leap
BrettGV: PICT0049_
BrettGV: PICT0026_
BrettGV: PICT0025_