brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: ground floor, behind sound table, equalizer
brett gullborg: band on stage, band live on tv, band reflected on tv
brett gullborg: from under the balcony
brett gullborg: from under the balcony
brett gullborg: kevin griffin (front), jim payne (rear)
brett gullborg: from balcony, upper right
brett gullborg: from balcony, upper right (bassist disappears)
brett gullborg: from balcony, upper right (bassist reappears)
brett gullborg: from balcony, upper right
brett gullborg: from balcony, straight on
brett gullborg: from balcony, straight on
brett gullborg: from balcony, straight on
brett gullborg: from balcony, straight on
brett gullborg: kevin griffin (front), travis mcnabb (rear)
brett gullborg: kevin griffin (front), travis mcnabb (rear)
brett gullborg: balcony, left side (one of my best shots #1)
brett gullborg: balcony, left side (one of my best shots #2)
brett gullborg: balcony, left side (one of my best shots #3)
brett gullborg: drummin'
brett gullborg: kevin's "children of the world" guitar strap
brett gullborg: rocking out
brett gullborg: strumming fast