bredto: Proud land owners
bredto: Ritz Craft Factory
bredto: Ritz Craft factory
bredto: Chris on "our" Rock
bredto: Making a driveway
bredto: our creek
bredto: from the creek
bredto: The transplant
bredto: red maple
bredto: Our hole
bredto: ground cover
bredto: footer forms as well
bredto: footer forms
bredto: footer detail
bredto: yellow
bredto: footers complete
bredto: footer filled
bredto: quitin' time
bredto: installing fox blocks
bredto: fox blocks
bredto: foundation work
bredto: foundation work
bredto: foundation work
bredto: foundation work
bredto: foundation work
bredto: ICF going up
bredto: ICF going up
bredto: ICF going up
bredto: foundation
bredto: Basement Door