Bret Okc: Edwin Francis Jemison served as a Private in the 2nd Louisiana Regiment, C.S.A. He saw action in the Peninsula campaign under General J. B. Magruder and was killed in the battle of Malvern Hill, July 1862 by a cannonball. He was 17.
Bret Okc: Custer thought he had achieved a type of movie star status for his heroics during the war. In the end this arrogance cost him. He and countless others lost their lives.
Bret Okc: Lincoln
Bret Okc: The Crater Petersburg
Bret Okc: Cemetary at Cold Harbor
Bret Okc: Tomb of Abraham Lincoln
Bret Okc: Shilo on the 130th anniversary, April 1992. American Civil War
Bret Okc: The Courthouse at Vicksburg American Civil War
Bret Okc: Shilo, Looking across the bloody pond to the peach orchard. April 1862 American Civil War.
Bret Okc: Frederick Douglas
Bret Okc: Stonewall Colorized and restored
Bret Okc: Adelbert Ames (October 31, 1835 – April 12, 1933) was an American sailor, soldier, and politician.
Bret Okc: Circa 1860 Mathew Brady Photo. Cleaned cropped and colorized
Bret Okc: General James Longstreet
Bret Okc: Mary Edwards Walker (November 26, 1832 – February 21, 1919) The only woman to recieve the Medal of Honor
Bret Okc: Walt Whitman. Grime, heat, rush, aide-de-camps galloping by or on a full run, With the patter of small arms, the warning s-s-t of the rifles, (these in my vision I hear or see,) And bombs bursting in air, and at night the vari-color'd rockets.
Bret Okc: Soldier
Bret Okc: Brady
Bret Okc: Civil War in Color
Bret Okc: The Civil War in Color