Bret and Robin: DSC_3101
Bret and Robin: Famous photographer
Bret and Robin: DSC_3103
Bret and Robin: DSC_3105
Bret and Robin: DSC_3106
Bret and Robin: DSC_3107
Bret and Robin: DSC_3108
Bret and Robin: DSC_3109
Bret and Robin: DSC_3110
Bret and Robin: The new Penguin exhibit
Bret and Robin: DSC_3112
Bret and Robin: DSC_3113
Bret and Robin: DSC_3114
Bret and Robin: Sting rays
Bret and Robin: Squirels from down under.
Bret and Robin: DSC_3119
Bret and Robin: Big bats!
Bret and Robin: DSC_3121
Bret and Robin: Poisun dart frogs
Bret and Robin: DSC_3124
Bret and Robin: DSC_3125
Bret and Robin: DSC_3126
Bret and Robin: DSC_3127
Bret and Robin: DSC_3129
Bret and Robin: The otter show! Best part of the zoo!
Bret and Robin: DSC_3131
Bret and Robin: DSC_3133
Bret and Robin: DSC_3134
Bret and Robin: DSC_3135
Bret and Robin: Where is Morgan?