brent.stan: Side road off the town square in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Local woman in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Main street in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Lunch restaurant in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: The dining room of the lunch restaurant in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Stan and soup
brent.stan: Back street with local girl in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Alley between mud brick houses in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Boy on street in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Back street in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Town meeting on the town square in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Back street with local women in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: White church in Yanque, a town on the road from Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Locals gathering in Cabanaconde
brent.stan: Mountains between Colca Canyon and Arequipa
brent.stan: Mountains between Colca Canyon and Arequipa
brent.stan: Wetlands on the road from Colca Canyon to Arequipa
brent.stan: Wetlands on the road leaving Colca Canyon bound for Arequipa
brent.stan: On the road from Colca Canyon to Arequipa