BrentOzar: Neighborhood cat loves Ernie
BrentOzar: Outta here
BrentOzar: Into Louisiana
BrentOzar: Louisiana swamps
BrentOzar: Missisippi
BrentOzar: Ernie relaxing
BrentOzar: Alabama
BrentOzar: Dinner in Mobile Alabama
BrentOzar: Away we go
BrentOzar: Trees, trees, trees
BrentOzar: Potty break at truck stop
BrentOzar: Finally going South on 75
BrentOzar: 250 miles to go
BrentOzar: Checking out of Circa 39
BrentOzar: Our first trip to the beach
BrentOzar: Workin' at Starbucks
BrentOzar: Going to South Beach
BrentOzar: More Texan than Houston was: cows!
BrentOzar: Bright sunshine and pouring rain
BrentOzar: Doves at the hotel
BrentOzar: Our first Cuban meal - La Carreta
BrentOzar: If I built a water fountain...
BrentOzar: Gettin the old laptop blues